Filtering by Tag: download instagram photos

How to Download All Your Instagram Photos (and Hashtags too!)

Added on by Aric Johnson.


We have a new post regarding our recent re-addition of Instagram hashtags to odrive. Please take a look for updated information and let us know what you think!


I love Instagram. I've been an avid Instagram user for a few years now, and I've collected hundreds of posts. Whenever I'm nostalgic or I want to share a story with another friend about a certain memory, I'll always go back to my Instagram because I've documented a lot of special moments on it. It's great.

Download all your Instagram photos into a folder 

Now it's even more exciting that our own app lets me download all my Instagram photos! Once you install odrive and link it to your Instagram, we'll automatically create two folders. One folder for all your own posts, and one folder for the posts you've liked. 

Download any Instagram hashtag you want 

Want to collect all the Instagram photos your friends posted from your wedding? Following a conference and want to see what's going on? Making a collage for upcoming fall fashion inspirations? odrive let's you sync other Instagrammers' posts that are tagged, so you can easily collect other photos as well! 

(Please note that we have recently updated odrive and have temporarily disabled the hashtag feature. We will be adding it back in as soon as possible though!)

It's super easy and pretty fun. Check it out if you want to download and back up all your Instagram photos! 



To read more about how odrive makes Instagram more useful: